In the position below, both white knights can move to the d2-square. In this case, you still write the piece abbreviation, but you then add the file that the piece is on before you write the square. If White wins, then it is notated as "1-0." If Black wins, it is notated as "0-1," while a draw is notated as "1/2-1/2."įinally, a few special cases for algebraic notation: In some positions, two of the same piece (such as two knights) can be moved to the same square. g4 Qh4#.Īfter a game is over, the result also has special notation. Checkmate is notated with a "#" at the end of the move. In the following position, White has just played Bb5+: Check is written with a "+" at the end of the move. When a king is attacked or threatened, it is known as check, which is notated as "+" at the end of the move. If Black recaptures with the b-pawn, then it would be read as "bxc6," while if Black recaptures with the d-pawn, then it would be "dxc6." You can see the position after dxc6 below: Black recaptures the bishop with dxc.Ĭastling kingside is recorded as "0-0," while castling queenside is "0-0-0." The number of zeros indicates how many squares the rook has moved. If we continue from the position above, you can see that Black can recapture the bishop on c6 with the pawn on b7 or the pawn on d7. When a pawn captures a piece, you write the name of the file (in lower case) that the pawn is on, followed by a lower-case "x" and then the file where the pawn moves. This move is notated as "Bxc6." White has just played Bxc6. In the following position, White's bishop has just captured the knight on c6. When any piece is captured, a lower-case "x" is placed in between the piece and the square where the capture occurs. Captures, castling, check, checkmate and the result of the game all have special symbols. Some moves in chess cannot be written in algebraic notation using the normal method described above. Nf3." Special Cases In Algebraic Notation Since this is the second move of the game, we start with "2." Because the piece moved is a knight, we use the abbreviation "N," and since the square moved to is f3, we have all of the information we need! This move would be read or notated as "2. How would this move be notated? How would our second move be notated? e4-it is that easy! Continuing with this example, let's say that we have placed our knight on the f3-square for the second move. Since it is the first move, algebraic notation dictates that we would start with "1." Then we would find the square where the pawn moved. How would this move be notated? How would this move be notated? Pretend that you have the white pieces and have just made your first move of the game by moving your king's pawn up two squares. If a pawn is moved, you see only the name of the square where the pawn moves. The pawn is the only piece that has no abbreviation. The king is abbreviated by the letter "K," the queen is abbreviated by the letter "Q," the rook is abbreviated by the letter "R," and the bishop is abbreviated by the letter "B." The knight, a special case, is abbreviated by the letter "N" since "K" is already taken by the king. When referencing a piece, the abbreviation is always capitalized. To learn more about the names of squares, please refer to this article. Essentially, algebraic notation shows you the move number, the name of the piece that is moved and then the square where the piece moves. Each piece has an abbreviation (which we will cover below), while every square on the chessboard has its own name.
Knowing that your games are being recorded for you is a good feeling, but you should still know how to read chess notation-algebraic notation! How Do You Read Algebraic Notation?Īlgebraic notation sounds like a fancy term, but it is much simpler than it appears. Your moves are automatically recorded and displayed when you play on ! Physically writing down the moves of a game is required in many over the board tournaments, but on the moves are recorded for you! When playing a game on, the moves of the game are displayed live as you and your opponent make them. Over the years various methods and ways have been used to record the moves, but they have all disappeared except for the current standard for chess notation: algebraic notation. Here is what you need to know about chess notation:Ĭhess notation is the act of recording or writing down the moves of a chess game. Chess notation sounds complicated, but so does algebraic notation! What do these terms mean? Let's find out!